Our Book Collection

Welcome to WhisperingBooks.com, book collection page.

To make things easy we have divided up all the stories into categories and have made them into book sections. This means you can quickly find the tales you are interested in, or have a dip into something new to you.

Click on a picture or link beneath to explore each of the collections we hold.

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Thumbnail For Our Articles
We thought it a good idea to include some additional information about our stories. So, we have set up this article section, where you can find out more.
Thumbnail For Weekly Collections
Each week we put a selection of tales on our homepage, but they then disappear for a year, which is sad. We made this page so you can always read them.
Thumbnail For Aboriginal Legends
13 Aboriginal legends also known as 'Dreamtime Stories', telling how the stars and sun were made and why the animals came to be the way they are today.
Thumbnail For Aesop's Fables
Over one hundred classic Aesop fables, most are beautifully illustrated by Milo Winter. Here are all the favorites and some you might not have read before.
Thumbnail For African Legends
9 stories from Africa, representing a tiny fragment of the area's wealth of tales. Ancient tribal legends, that include much of the continent's wildlife.
Thumbnail For Brazilian Legends
Brazil's folklore is a melting pot of the many cultures that settled there including Portuguese, African slaves and missionaries. Here we present 10 tales.
Thumbnail For Celtic Fairy Tales
The Celts were originally a group of Iron Age tribes. Their culture was steeped in magic, nature and the supernatural, as shown by these 14 classic tales.
Thumbnail For Chinese Folk Tales
Seven stories from China, a civilization dating back nearly 4000 years. Their ancient tales were often used to explain human nature, landmarks and events.
Thumbnail For Fairy Tales And Stories
Classic fairy tales and stories, including Aladdin, the Three Bears and Tom Thumb. Many illustrated by famous artists as Walter Crane and L. Leslie Brook.
Thumbnail For Greek And Roman Myths
A collection of 41 myths from two of the greatest civilizations, Greece and Rome. This includes many of the classic tales, such as Pegasus and Prometheus.
Thumbnail For Classic Myths And Legends
Drawn from throughout the world, this collection of 37 myths and legends includes such legendary figures as King Canute, Robin Hood and William Tell.
Thumbnail For Dutch Fairy Tales
Eight stories reflecting the folklore of the Low Countries which is steeped in ancient pre-Christian cultures, including the worshiping of trees and woods.
Thumbnail For English Fairy Tales
England is rich in history having been settled by many cultures, including Romans and Vikings. Its folklore is extremely ancient, here are 37 such tales.
Thumbnail For The Brothers Grimm
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm collected folk tales from throughout Europe. Here are 52 of their most famous stories, wonderfully illustrated by Walter Crane.
Thumbnail For Folk Tales From Britanny
Britanny, once a kingdom, is fiercely proud of its cultural heritage which is Celtic in origin. Here we present 15 stories that reflect this unique land.
Thumbnail For Indian Folk Tales
India the second most populated country has great ethnic and religious diversity. although the major religion is Hinduism which these 8 stories reflect.
Thumbnail For Japanese Fairy Tales
Japan is an extremely ancient land and its folklore is heavily influenced by Shinto and Buddhism. These 12 stories give just a small taste of that culture.
Thumbnail For Jataka Tales
Jataka Tales originate in India and tell of the Buddha's previous animal reincarnations. The origins of our 39 stories can be dated back over 1500 years.
Thumbnail For Legends Of The Iroquois
33 stories from the Iroquois, also known as the Haudenosaunee meaning 'People of the Longhouse'. Their core belief was that the Spirits controlled nature.
Thumbnail For Native American Legends
Native Americans had a tradition of mythology, although the tribes had unique customs most of their tales were about nature, as shown by these 17 stories.
Thumbnail For Russian Folk Tales
Russia was a land of peasants, with a tradition of oral folklore and superstition. As seen by these tales, animals played a major role in their culture.
Thumbnail For Tibetan Folk Tales
Tibet is in the highest region on earth, often referred to as 'the roof of the world'. It has a strong tradition of literature, reflected by these 11 tales.