This Week's Stories

Welcome to, our library of classic legends, myths and tales gathered from throughout the world. Each week we choose a small sample from the collection and place them here, on our front page.

To investigate all the stories we have, use the menus on the left hand side, or click on the heading links. We have also written a page that tells you more about the site. Happy reading!!!!
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Thumbnail For The Fox And The Grapes An Aesop Fable
An Aesop Fable. "There Are Many Who Pretend To Despise And Belittle That Which Is Beyond Their Reach"
Thumbnail For The Wolf And The Crane An Aesop Fable
An Aesop Fable. "Expect No Reward For Serving The Wicked"
Thumbnail For The Tiger And The Frog
A Tibetan Folk Tale
Thumbnail For The Poplar Tree
A Greek Legend
Thumbnail For Six Soldiers Of Fortune
A Tale From The Brothers Grimm
Thumbnail For The Cat And The Cradle
A Dutch Fairy Tale
Thumbnail For The Three Fishes
A Buddhist Folk Tale