The Ant And The Dove

An Aesop Fable

"A kindness is never wasted"

Aesop's Fables - The Ant And The Dove By Milo Winter
The Ant And The Dove By Milo Winter

A Dove saw an Ant fall into a brook. The Ant struggled in vain to reach the bank, and in pity, the Dove dropped a blade of straw close beside it. Clinging to the straw like a shipwrecked sailor to a broken spar, the Ant floated safely to shore.

Soon after, the Ant saw a man getting ready to kill the Dove with a stone. But just as he cast the stone, the Ant stung him in the heel, so that the pain made him miss his aim, and the startled Dove flew to safety in a distant wood.

The Moral Of This Tale

"A kindness is never wasted"

Sources And Further Reading

Aesop for Children (translator not identified), 1919. Illustrations by Milo Winter (1886-1956) (Project Gutenberg)

About Aesop And His Fables A short article we have written about what is known about Aesop and his stories.

Aesop (Wikipedia)

Aesop's Fables (Wikipedia)

Milo Winter In Other Illustrators Some information we have found out about Milo Winter.

Milo Winter (1886-1956) (Wikipedia)

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